Spring in the Studio..Throughout April we have been creating a new collection of glass pieces and paintings inspired by the pink blossoms of Spring and the greens of new growth that this season of sunshine and showers brings. Working togeher in collaboration acros the mediums of oil paint, blown glass and sandcarved, engraved glass we have found new ways to explore our work and create a Spring collection of pieces that bring the colours of the outdoors in.

Louises paintings of the apple blossom from the allotment and Spring flowers such as Magnolia and Hellebore have informed the pallette of the studio glass ranges which Colin has used in his work, translating the soft pastels and saturated tones of the pinks and greens into his Pod vase, Oil pourer and Flame Decanter ranges. Louise has also engraved a trio of new Floral bowl designs, directly informed by the observations made from life in her paintings and sketches.

Louises elbow is healing and she is beginning to return to making a limited number of small sandcarved and engraved pieces. for this collection she has worked directly from her paintings and sketches of hellebores and primula, Magnolia and Pear blossom..

We chose our favourites from our familiar studio ranges to include in the display..
Flame Decanters.. elegant and decorative this range was designed by Colin for his final show at The Royal College of Art. this makes them our longest standing design. Following a trip to Madeira the originals were made in Lime green and Citrus orange to reflect the Bird of paradise flowers that inspired them. it is pleasingly apt to be making them in the colours of an English Spring for this, the 25th year of our glass studio,
Pod Vases.. are one of our most popular functional studio ranges. Their beautifully flattened organic forms make them an easy way to to incorporate a vase, with or without flowers, into any space, windowsill, tabletop or shelf, we love the pastel opaque shades.
Oil pourers.. have been made in many shapes and sizes over the years, with and without handles, tall, short, round, and conical they are used in hotels and restaurants around the world as well as in many homes and kitchens, including our own. we wouldnt be without ours, such an attractive and practical way to keep the olive oil on the counter top.

Louises oil paintings are painted alla prima from life and completed in one or two sittings directly from observation. She brings together and groups collections of the objects and forms from nature that surround her, the motifs of the rituals and rythms of daily life and the changing seasons. this small group of paintings have been made in response to the emergence of Spring, the arrival of lighter days, the soft light of showery days, the fresh green shoots of growth and the beginnings of colour returning to the trees, fields, hedgerows and gardens.
it is very exciting to see our different practices come together in a cohesive display at the glass studio and we are really pleased with the outcomes. We are looking forward to sharing the work with our collectors and visitors to the studio. All the pieces are also offered on our website on the Spring in the studio gallery page in the shop. Do take a moment to enjoy the season with us and take a look