Bluff Cove bowls

Published on Thursday, 23 November, 2017

Research and design, February 2017 for a bespoke mini bowl for retail by a client in the Falkland Islands.

These pieces feature three swirled colours and two king penguins, diving amongst giant sea kelp.

Fresh Air sculpture exhibition

June 2017
Published on Thursday, 23 November, 2017

Back in June 2017 we installed three new sculptures as part of Fresh Air 2017. Our sixth time of showing at this wonderful sculpture show.







Bespoke Pendant Shades

Published on Sunday, 17 December, 2017

Bespoke pendant lamp trio.. To be installed above a handmade bar in a restored and renovated Cotswold Stone Barn. 

Sampling process,  in miniature for shade design colours and options.. the overlay leaf pattern, inspired by client logo, is chosen for final design.

Colin blows full size shades, using swedish overlay technique to acheive colour on the outside of the shades.

Making Shades.. in shades.

Blown shades are cooled overnight and drilled in the tops.

Each leaf element is drawn, cut and applied by hand to the shades surface, then each piece sandblasted, again by hand, to remove the excess colour and reveal the resulting pattern.

The shades are installed in a row of gradated colour, from Amber, through Sargasso to Eel.. finished with brass fittings and flex. A wonderful result, the colours and patterns of these unique pieces very successfully compliment the style and finish of the bespoke interior.